Thursday, August 21, 2008

In one month here in china....

in one month:

I have moved out of the states to china...
I have set up an apartment with my friend and roommate Mandy
I have met many people from all over the world
I have been welcomed in to the family here
I have become a regular biker babe (i ride my bike at least 2 times a day!)
I have visited the American doctor
I have gone on a 10 mile bike ride
I have been to the beach countless times
I have explored much of my new city and have so much more to discover
I have learned how to live without a dryer, we hang all our clothes on the back porch to dry
I have learned a little Chinese... more to come
I have started my new job, I love teaching!
I have been to a conference on teaching English as a second language.
I have had sleepovers with friends
I have been in fellowship with family here in china
I have witnessed some Olympic events
I have learned to direct a taxi in Chinese
I have become and Auntie to some amazing little kids
I have had hot pot dinner with a wonderful Chinese family
I have talked to little children on the streets who know English very well
I have eaten in some of the most random place (Italian to Korean to back street 'hole in the walls'
I have cooked dinner, anything from mac n cheese to chicken nuggets to fried rice to fried fruit wraps to blueberry pancakes... etc.
I have learned so much already about myself
I have learned SO much about JC
I have found a good grocery store that sells relatively cheap western foods and a good mix of eastern foods
I have found places to bargain for goods
I have had more starbucks in the last month that i have int he US in the past year!
I have walked miles and biked miles
I have figured out bus routes
I have enjoyed Qingdao immensely

I have done SO much and still have 11 months to do so much more... i am so excited to have you on this journey with me. I can barely imagine what awaits me in the months to come.

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