Sunday, July 27, 2008

Our dinner with Johns family.

Mandy and I were invited to a traditional chinese dinner on saturday. Mandys friend John's family asked us to join them for hot pot. It was super fun to meet Johns family. I hope to learn chinese well enough to talk to his mom next time... well maybe next summer.

Johns mom, friend Daisy and little sister Linda
Me and Mandy

Me, Mandy and Ben
Ben and Daisy in the back

Lee, John and Johns friend from out of town

Daisy's mom and John's mom
Me and Mandy

This is our hot pot, we each had a small individual hot pot to cookour food in,super fun!

Jen: Kind of like Koji's only smaller pots. ;o)

1 comment:

The Rainbow Jen said...

Happy to see you've settled well, and are enjoying all the culinary delights your new friends have to share! Be safe my dear. Love you.