Monday, October 20, 2008

3rd language at 3 years!

We did peer teaching today which is difficult for me because the chinese teachers do not speak much if any english while they are teaching. I still have such a poor understanding of the language that i can not understand a lot of what they were discussing. I was able to catch on to what some of them were doing by pictures or movements, but still not the whole experience.
It was then that I started to think about the kids who come from a 3rd language. Kids who do not speak chinese or english. This must be a rough situation for them. How do they know what to do and keep up with the students who group up on chinese and/or english and know whats going on right away? The kids are all smart, but i can understand why it is difficult to teach some of them.
Mandys' school is mostly chinese, if not all. So no problem there. But i have kids from korea, japan, holland, germany, canada, etc. Well canada doesn't count, that's english... but coming from one of the other places... trying to not only learn two different languages than the one you were thus far raised on, but function within that language!
I don't think i could have done it. I know i would be a completely different person if i would have had to go through this as a child.

...just a little rambling of my thots today.
i think i might do this more often than wait til i have a lto to say. I will do big emails and make smaller blogs. Then you will get to hear more from me on my day to day stuff.
how does that sound?

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